"The best teachers are those who show you where to look
but don't tell you what to see"
For as long as I can remember, reading and writing have been the things that I have always enjoyed. Not that I can read fast or particularly excel at writing. It often takes me weeks if not months to finish a book. Things don't get any better with writing either as I spend at least a couple of hours and sometimes days on a few … sentences.
Rather, I believe, through reading and writing, you can learn a great deal about whatever interests you. You first read to process and take in the information then express your understanding and opinions in writing.
“Nobody has time for that!!” you might probably be thinking.
I agree! In this modern world, it is not easy to find time to sit down and go through even a few pages of anything, let alone boring and hard-to-digest topics such as investing and finance with an abundance of technical jargon.
However, it does not to be hopeless. Breaking down your topic of interest into small pieces proves to be quite effective. Not only does it create a pleasing learning experience but it also helps you memorize faster and retain information longer. If you persist one bit at a time and practice daily, you will soon find yourself a "jack of all trades, master of everything".
That is how knowledge works – it builds up like compound interest.
Thus, that is my intention in how I would go about communicating and sharing my thoughts with this blog. Given a choice between writing a 5,000-word essay and drafting a few-minute-read post, I would choose to go with the latter in a heartbeat.
"Short! Sweet!" as they say.
I aim to make investing more approachable (and maybe entertaining?!) with the kind of language that anyone can understand. Preferably, the format of the posts would be bite-sized five-minute reads with each designed to build fundamentals of investing, and tackle what seems to be unknown to the general public.
Get excited because together, we are about to learn more about the world's greatest wealth-creating machine - the stock markets!
With that being said, for those interested in deep-dive fundamental analyses, I will be sharing with you everything I know about analysing companies, including dissecting annual reports, crunching some numbers and financial ratios, studying industries, etc. (Spoiler alert: it can be very lengthy!)
So, in short, here’s what you will find on this blog:
My experience and thoughts on investing
Stock analysis and ideas
Books reviews/recommendations
Rants about random things. All things finance!
Last but not least, this is the space where I journal the investing and fund-managing journey. Regardless of wherever I am, I will always be in constant learning mode.
So don't hesitate to shoot me an email (or leave a note in the comment section at the end of each post) if you would like to chat about investing and finance; or if you can pick out anything I say that is incorrect, ask questions, challenge my thesis, and give feedback on how I can improve the quality of the content that I am putting out here.
Anything would be very much appreciated!
Well! That's it for now. I will see you in the next post.
contact: admin@oceansidefamilyinvestment.com